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sailing in croatia

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Anmeldungsdatum: 16.01.2008
Beiträge: 1

BeitragVerfasst am: 16.01.2008 16:06    Titel: sailing in croatia Antworten mit Zitat

This is perfect choice for everyone who loves the sea and the sun. It promotes sailing and exploring hundreds of hidden places and islands along the Adriatic coast. You will surely fall in love with the clean and warm sea, a preserved nature and historical sites, as well as with a delicious cuisine and high-quality wines, offered to you by traditionally generous and kind hosts. Our job is to make your wishes come true, and yours is only to enjoy yourselves! Therefore, we invite you to discover the beauties of the Adriatic climate.
If you want to spend your vacation without a plan or schedule and without wondering where to go; if you want to choose a bareboat rental and spend your time in private, in hidden and romantic Kornati coves enjoying extraordinary gastronomic offer and watching the sunset from your boat, we may suggest a week boat rental in our All inclusive offer, which can include golf, wellness, diving, big game fishing or spending the night in the water Villa.

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Anmeldungsdatum: 26.02.2006
Beiträge: 723

BeitragVerfasst am: 16.01.2008 17:53    Titel: Re: sailing in croatia Antworten mit Zitat

[quote="Geronimo01"]This is perfect choice for everyone who loves the sea and the sun. It promotes sailing and exploring hundreds of hidden places and islands along the Adriatic coast. You will surely fall in love with the clean and warm sea, a preserved nature and historical sites, as well as with a delicious cuisine and high-quality wines, offered to you by traditionally generous and kind hosts. Our job is to make your wishes come true, and yours is only to enjoy yourselves! Therefore, we invite you to discover the beauties of the Adriatic climate.
If you want to spend your vacation without a plan or schedule and without wondering where to go; if you want to choose a bareboat rental and spend your time in private, in hidden and romantic Kornati coves enjoying extraordinary gastronomic offer and watching the sunset from your boat, we may suggest a week boat rental in our All inclusive offer, which can include golf, wellness, diving, big game fishing or spending the night in the water Villa.

Hi Chief of the Apaches
That sounds very good, but for advertising is not the right place here. It would also be appropriate in the forum to use common language
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